Thursday, May 9, 2013


  This blog has been created by Sergio Reche Poirier, teacher on the CEIP "Victor Hugo" of Shangri-La. My aim is to provide some funny and useful English activities for my students of Sexto de Primaria, in order to improve their skills.


  1. Hi,
    It's a good idea to add an introducción in your blog to introduce the purpose of it as well as the level of the students that can improve their English language skills.

  2. Hello Sergio:

    This activity is adapted to know the level of the pupils as for the skills of the foreign language.

    I think that we can obtain benefits if we use with our pupils the TICS in the education of the English.

    José Miguel Yunquera

  3. Hi José Miguel;

    Thank you for your comment. I tried to create activities for a 12 years old student (like the pupils of sexto de primaria).


  4. Hello Sergio, your blog is very clear, I like your introduction and I think that the material is very useful for the pupils. Is a good idea that the students know about England and the famous people.
    Mª Cristina Roig
